Kenmare ND - Public Library

Real People. Real Jobs. Real Adventures.


Kenmare Branch Library


Bree Raines, Branch Librarian
5 North 3rd Street
PO Box 104
Kenmare, ND 58746
Phone: 701-385-4090




Monday, Wednesday & Thursday
9:30am - 5:00 pm

Closed 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch.

Storytime: Thurs 11:30 am


Kenmare Branch Library

Fall into Reading . . . Kenmare Assistant Fire Chief Nate Condit reads to preschool children at the Kenmare Branch Library for the Fall into Reading Event for the Dolly Parton Imagination Library book program.

Find books, magazines, DVDs, audiobooks, state-of-the-art computers, internet, and Wi-Fi access for patrons of all ages at the Kenmare Branch of the Ward County Public Library.  Children's programs are especially popular at the library, with Story Time held every Thursday at 11:30 am.  Children can also participate in the annual summer reading program that includes activities both in the library and around the community. 

A variety of other programs are scheduled throughout the year, so be sure to stop in for a current schedule.  The bookmobile schedules stops in Kenmare at the elementary, high school, and Fun Zone Daycare on the fourth Monday of each month. 

All bookmobile stops are open to the public. Please check the bookmobile schedule for any deviations from the fourth Monday due to school schedules.




On the library's website at patrons can access several online databases. These electronic resources provide a means to research numerous full-text articles in magazines and reference sources.