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City council accepts low bid on new water tower
A new water tower. A new sewer line for a new development. Numerous new pavement patches and a new culvert in a major waterway. It’s all on the city’s list of needs.
6/15/11 (Wed)
By Terry Froseth
A new water tower. A new sewer line for a new development. Numerous new pavement patches and a new culvert in a major waterway. It’s all on the city’s list of needs.
The Kenmare City Council focused its attention, and directed the city’s funds towards infrastructure needs, specifically water, sewer, and streets, during its Monday meeting.
Acceptance of the low bid of $722,000 for construction of a new water tower was the biggest commitment of the evening. Total cost of the project will be $1,040,600.
Initial specifications called for bidding of a 250,000 gallon water tower. But, based on the population growth projected by the study completed for the city’s comprehensive plan, bidding included an option for a 300,000 gallon water tower.
City engineer Ryan Ackerman estimated the cost of a 300,000 gallon tower to be $845,000. The low bid of $722,000 from Maguire Iron, at $123,000 below the engineer’s probable cost, was accepted by the council. Bids from three other companies were received, coming in at $889,000, $950,943, and $984,000.
Accessory and instrumentation items required for operation of the water tower, estimated at $73,000, will be purchased under a separate contract.
Other additional costs will be $95,400 for design engineering, $47,700 for construction engineering, $20,000 for administrative expenses, $3000 for temporary construction easement, and $79,500 for contingency.
With the additional costs over the bid price, the total cost of the new water tower, ready to use, will be $1,040,600.
Construction will begin this summer. It will be located to the east of the current water tower.
Funding is being secured through the North Dakota Department of Health Drinking Water Revolving Fund.. Terms of the loan are 20 years at 3 percent interest.
Additional sewer
line proposed
The council also adopted a resolution to direct the city engineer to create a plan, specifications, estimate, and solicit bids for a sanitary sewer line extension project, at an estimated cost of $163,584.
The new line will provide sewer service to four vacant city blocks north of the old landfill on Soo Street, as well as residence on 4th Avenue SE and 7th Avenue SE.
The city owns three of the vacant blocks in the area. According to the city’s new comprehensive plan, the area would be best suited for camper and mobile home sites on the southern portion of the property, and single or multifamily residential housing along Division Street to the north.
Mayor Roger Ness stressed the need for camper and mobile home parking, as the city receives constant requests. “This is very much needed to develop these blocks. I feel there is a need immediately.”
Ness continued, “We feel this is the fastest and best way to use this property that we own. We can even sell it once it has services.”
Ness said he’s met with 10 to 12 developers and they are willing to take on any type of project, including camper and mobile home parks.
Ness said the city could secure a loan from the State Bank and Trust of Kenmare at 2 to 2.5 percent interest to get the sewer extension underway.
The project would be funded in part by a primary hookup fee of $5450 per dwelling, and a secondary hookup fee of $2,725.
A water line already runs through the area along Soo Street.
Ackerman said the hookup fees are a good value as a new septic system alone would cost about $10,000, if the sanitary sewer hookup was not available.
Water and sewer service needed for development across Highway 52 could be extended east from this point on Soo Street.
Street and culvert
damage nearly $90,000
Alderman Todd Ankenbauer reported there is nearly 17,000 square feet of damaged pavement on city streets. The estimated cost of repair, at $4 per square foot, will be around $67,000.
He also reported a culvert under 3rd Street NE, near the dental clinic and day care, is washed out and must be replaced at a cost of $20,000.
The council approved repairing the streets and the culvert and agreed the work should be done as soon as possible.
Ackerman said there may be a 50 percent cost share available from the county water board for the culvert.
In other action:
• With current commitments for the city sales tax infrastructure funds of $15,000 for a new police car, $70,000 for a new payloader, $47,000 for the new fire hall, and $25,000 for the city’s comprehensive plan, the city has about $53,000 uncommitted in the fund.
• Jim Maxson of Minot was appointed as the city attorney.
• The Kenmare News was appointed the city’s official newspaper.
• New city police officer Jason Cartier introduced himself to the council.
• A Minot Hockey Boosters gaming fund (from South of the Border) donation of $350 was approved to the Association of Commerce for costs for city-wide cleanup day. A donation of $1500 was given to the Lake County Historical Society towards a 50’x80’ steel building to display antique tractors and farm equipment at the Pioneer Village. They had requested $10,000 towards the total cost of $40,000.
• A gaming site permit was approved for Vet’s Gaming at City Limits and Minot Hockey Boosters at South of the Border. Representatives of Minot Hockey Boosters attended the meeting to address any questions the council would have about funding larger donation requests. The Minot Hockey Boosters manager said they have not received any direct applications for larger donations since promising a year ago to consider large requests.
• A new beer license was approved for the new owners of the Pizza Hub restaurant, Mark and Kathy Cook. The sale of the business, and the new beer license will take effect July 1st.
• Council member Terese Skjordal asked if Ying Bin Chinese Restaurant was in line to receive a beer license, as they has been told in the past there were no additional beer or liquor licenses available in town. Mayor Roger Ness said there is nothing in the ordinances saying there is a limit on the number of beer and liquor licenses that can be issued.
• Renaissance Zone applications were approved for the purchase of the Pizza Hub and for a new house to be constructed by KDAK at the new cul-de-sac south of the One Stop store and drive-in. The Renaissance Zone program allows a five year tax abatement for a business purchase, along with state income tax credits. The program also allows a five year tax abatement on the value of property improvements in the zone.
• During discussion of revamping the City’s ordinance book, attorney Jim Maxson recommended the city scrap the whole book and adopt the North Dakota League of Cities ordinance book. He said, “If something doesn’t work, then amend it.”
• The council approved the Ways and Means Committee recommendation to raise the mayor’s pay to $500 per month. The alderman’s pay was raised to $200 per month. Pay for special meetings was raised to $100. Ness commented, “This is getting to be a business. It’s a lot of work. It’s not our quiet little town anymore.”
• Only 10 commercial and 13 residential water meters remain in need of upgrading to the new radio-read system.
• The city will begin demolition and cleaning up of its vacant properties this week. The lots will then be offered for sale on bids in July.
• The city council’s health committee met with the Smoke-Free Coalition. The Coalition is recommending the city council make the decision to adopt a city smoke-free ordinance. Some council members, however, favor the idea of putting the issue to a vote of the citizens.
• The city will check into the cost and effectiveness of getting on the schedule with Minot to have the city sprayed for mosquitoes. They will also look into the option of purchasing their own mosquito fogger.